English Grammar Test

Privacy policy Terms of service

Privacy Policy

Last updated: July 26, 2024.

English Grammar Test is dedicated to helping users around the world practice and master English grammar. When you share information with us, we can help you achieve that goal by providing the right content and making your learning quicker and more effective. This Privacy Policy is designed to help you understand how we collect and use the personal information you provide when you use our Service, including through our website and mobile applications. This notice explains:

Information We Collect and Sources

We need to collect certain information about you to provide you with the Service or the support you request. The type of information we collect can vary depending on how you access and use our Service. Additionally, you can choose to voluntarily provide information to us. Below we have described the types of information we collect and from where we collect it.

Information you Provide to Us to Use the Service

Account Information.We collect the information you provide when you sign up for an English Grammar Test account, log in to your account, communicate with us, answer our surveys, upload content, or otherwise use the Services. We request an email address when you choose to sign up for the Service so we can provide the Services to you and comply with applicable regulations. Creating an account is optional; you can still use certain features of the application without an account. However, signing up will unlock additional advanced features.

Transactional Information.Users who engage in financial transactions with English Grammar Test, for example, to purchase an upgraded membership subscription, are asked to provide additional information to complete the transaction, such as a credit card number, billing address, and full name.

Visitors can always refrain from supplying certain information, but it may prevent them from accessing certain English Grammar Test services that require that information.

Information We Get Automatically When You Use the Service

When you use the English Grammar Test application, we automatically collect certain information to improve your experience and maintain the functionality of the app. This information includes data collected through AdMob, Firebase Analytics, and Firebase Crashlytics.

Advertising Information. We use AdMob to serve ads within our English Grammar Test application. AdMob automatically collects and uses certain information to provide personalized advertisements based on your interests. This information may include:

You can opt-out of personalized advertising through your device settings. For more details on how AdMob collects and uses information, please refer to Google’s Privacy Policy.

Analytics Information. We use Firebase Analytics to gain insights into how users interact with our application. Firebase Analytics automatically collects data to help us understand app usage and improve user experience. This data may include:

Firebase Analytics anonymizes and aggregates this data to provide us with valuable insights. This information helps us enhance the functionality and performance of our application.

Crash Reports. We use Firebase Crashlytics to monitor and report on app crashes and errors. This helps us identify and fix issues to improve the stability and reliability of our application. Crashlytics automatically collects the following information:

This information is used solely for diagnostic purposes and to enhance the user experience by addressing app crashes and errors promptly.

Information We Collect From Other Sources

We do not control, supervise or respond for how the third parties providing your information process your personal data, and any information request regarding the disclosure of your personal information to us should be directed to such third parties.

The information we collect about you from third parties includes:

Google Login. Our application allows you to log in using Google Login. This service authenticates your identity and provides you the option to share certain personal information with us, such as your name and email address, to pre-populate our sign-up form. You may, optionally, choose to provide additional information during the sign-up or linking process to enable certain features in the English Grammar Test application.

Information We Collect and Sources

We collect information about you when you use the Service for various reasons, including to support English Grammar Test and to enable our team to continue creating engaging experiences for our users.

Providing, Analyzing, Improving and Developing the Service

We process the data we collect about you to operate, improve, and develop the English Grammar Test service. This includes providing, maintaining, securing, and enhancing our services, developing new features, and protecting both our users and the application. By using this information to understand how you use and interact with our services, we can deliver our services, personalize content, and make relevant suggestions for you. We conduct surveys and research, test features in development, and analyze the information we have to evaluate and improve products and services, develop new features, and perform audits and troubleshooting activities.

Here are some examples of how we use this information:

Protecting the Service and Maintaining a Trusted Environment

We use all categories of information we collect to maintain English Grammar Test as a safe and secure platform for all our users, including appropriate enforcement of our policies, as well as compliance with the law and applicable regulations. These efforts include:

Third-Party Data Sharing

We use third-party services such as AdMob for advertising and Firebase Analytics for data analytics to improve our English Grammar Test application. These services may collect and process data from our application, which can be considered as data sharing. This data is used to provide personalized advertisements and to gain insights into app usage to enhance user experience.

For more information on how these third-party services handle your data, please refer to their respective privacy policies:

Account Management and Uploaded Information

Our English Grammar Test application allows users to choose whether to share their tests publicly or keep them private. Users have full control over their accounts and the data they have uploaded. You can delete your account and all associated data, or you can choose to delete only the uploaded data while keeping your account active.

To perform these actions, navigate to Settings -> Delete Account and Personal Data. This will guide you through the process of managing your account and the information you have uploaded, ensuring you have the flexibility and control over your personal data and content.

How We Secure Your Information

The security of your personal information is important to us. English Grammar Test takes measures reasonably designed to protect against unauthorized access, use, alteration, or destruction of personal information.

Contact Us

If you have questions or comments about this Policy, you may email us at .